rother James Ellis Kenyon (1884 – 1970) was Tyler of Abbey Lodge for a record of 50 years.
Brother Kenyon was the Steward of the Union Club and was initiated into Abbey Lodge on the 23 January 1919 by W. Bro. Sir James T Travis-Clegg. He was passed on the 16 March 1919 and raised on the 4 April 1919.
He became Tyler of the Lodge in 1920 and was Janitor of Abbey Chapter and Tyler of Priory Mark Master Masons Lodge. The role was a “professional” one in that it was a remunerated position and his salary in 1920 was the princely sum of 3s 6d (3 shillings and 6 pence) per month, collecting similar sums from the side degrees.
What is of particular interest is his record of Lodge meetings. His records almost mirror the official Lodge minutes plus a detailed account of those who attended the festive board, even down to the seating plan at the installation meetings.
W. Bro. H Dellow recalled one fact about Brother Kenyon that may interest those medically inclined. During the First World War Brother Kenyon was wounded in the hip by shrapnel and was one of the very first casualties to be treated by the latest technique, an X-ray. Brother Kenyon was quite proud of this and he placed a photograph of his X-ray in the Lodge rooms which was not a pleasant sight according to W. Bro. Dellow.