Abbey Lodge Today

Grand Patron
Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire
Festival 2026


bbey Lodge 2529 meets at Whalley in Lancashire’s Little Gem of a Lodge Room eight times a year on the second Thursday of October through to May  inclusive. This is only 8 times a year, however, we do hold 2 practice meetings each month to ensure our ceremonies are performed to a high standard. And then there’s the social events as well.

At our actual Lodge Meetings we carry out Masonic business. Each member of the Lodge receives a Lodge Summons sometime prior to the meeting. This Summons states the date and time of the meeting (and practices as well), the business of the meeting and the Dress Code for that meeting. The purpose of the Summons is to ensure all Brethren are aware of all aspects of the meeting so they can be part or party to any item of business that concerns them.

After the formality of the Lodge Meeting we sit down to a meal to which interested non-masons are invited. This meal is sometimes referred to as the Social or Festive Board.

We vote on new members joining us by secret ballot which involves the use of small white and black balls placed into a voting box. This is where the term “being black balled” comes from for if there is one black ball in the box the vote is against the prospective member. This rarely happens in modern times because the membership will be familiar with any prospective member well before this formal vote takes place in open Lodge.

During our meetings we have an Alms collection the monies from which go into the Charity Account. See where we disperse these funds on our Charitable Giving page. We like to think that we are part of the Whalley community and have supported numerous local initiatives. We are always open to appeals from worthy causes both local and regional.

Our Membership

A thriving Lodge in a vibrant village

We have a solid chain of light blues (those members that haven’t been through the Master’s Chair) progressing through our Lodge which ensures each Lodge meeting is interesting and enjoyable. They are supported by Past Masters who’ve “been there and done that“.

Members who have been through the Chair and who have continued to work to the Lodge’s benefit are honoured by attaining an Office in Provincial Grand Lodge (Provincial Officer in our graphic). Past Masters have yet to be honoured in this way. Further service in Freemasonry at Area level may be acknowledged by a member attaining Grand Lodge Officer rank.

Our demographics show that Abbey Lodge members cover a wide range of ages. This augurs well for the future of the Lodge. We are working hard to ensure there is sufficient recruitment and retention of members for the long term existence of the Lodge.

From the outset of Abbey Lodge 2529 the building we meet in has been owned and maintained by the Freemasons who meet there.

Did we mention the Postlethwaite Dinner we hold each December? More details here.

Social Events for All Ages

Abbey Lodge is a family-orientated Lodge with social events throughout the years for young and old alike.

We utilise our Hall premises for many of our events but don’t restrict ourselves to holding them there. Indeed, the highlight of each Master’s year – the Ladies Evening is always held at one of the regions large function venues.

Our annual Cooperman Memorial Shoot is open to non-Masons to participate and is a great event if you are thinking of something unusual for a corporate hospitality type event. You could just bring the family!!

You could be party to these events which is a good way to get to know prospective candidates and for them to get to know us.

2,900 Image Photo Archive

We have been photographing our events for around 15 years and now have a substantial archive to explore.

The images and videos are accessible in a number of ways

  • The Photostream
  • Individual Event Albums
  • Specific Event Album Collections
  • Worshipful Master’s Year Album Collections

They are a good way to see what Abbey Lodge gets up to both Masonically and socially.

Come meet the Members of Abbey Lodge

Freemasonry is a fraternal society and in 2017 celebrat ed its 300th anniversary of the first Grand Lodge formed in 1717 in London. Some believe it to have evolved from the stonemason’s guilds and it has certainly been in existence in some form since the 1500s. It offers a philosophy on life and its main aim is to help men sculpt themselves into better men; better Fathers, colleagues, employers, husbands and friends. Every Freemason believes in the following:

Brotherly love: Showing tolerance, fairness, respect and kindness to others.
Relief: The practice of charity and care for Freemasons and the community as a whole.
Truth: Honesty and integrity and high moral standards in everyday life.

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-political, non-religious, fraternal and charitable organisations.

We welcome genuinely interested parties to dine with us after a Lodge meeting or to join us at our social events.

Come meet up with us in Whalley.
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