The 65th Postlethwaite Dinner was held at Whalley Golf Club on Thursday, 12 December 2024.
Some 47 Brethren and Gentlemen gathered at the Club after a short Lodge Meeting in the Masonic Hall.
The Edwardian Menu as outlined elsewhere on this website was adhered to. The fish course was freshly caught Trout.
Those present helped to raise £305 for worthy causes.
After the usual Masonic Toasts the following was delivered by W. Bro Eric Bond JP, PPJGW
Worshipful Master, Honoured Guests, Brethren and gentlemen apologies to those who have heard most of this before but there are a few new facts for you to digest.
Joseph Marshall Postlethwaite (1879 – 1965)
Joseph Marshall Postlethwaite was born in Hornsey, Middlesex on the 18 September 1879 and was the son of Frederick George Postlethwaite, a Commission Agent who died when JMP was only three years old.
His mother, Frances Maria nee Pelly remarried in 1887 in Kendall to a James Garnett a Clerk in Holy Orders.
JMP was at Cambridge University by October 1898 and then aged 19. JMP was initiated into freemasonry on the 26 November 1901 in the Isaac Newton Lodge Number 859, Cambridge at the age of 21 then, the minimum age for someone to be initiated. By this time his mother and Stepfather where at Slaidburn.
January 1911 saw JMP now, of course, Dr. Postlethwaite married in Clitheroe to Stella Alice Ramsbottom and in December of that year John Henry Marshall Postlethwaite their only child was born.
In 1912 Dr. Postlethwaite was instrumental in the founding of this, the Whalley Golf Club.
Dr. Postlethwaite served as a Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corp (Territorial Section) entering service on the 9 September 1914.
He joined Abbey Lodge on the 14 December 1916. A month later he was appointed Senior Deacon and he became the Worshipful Master of the Lodge 3 years later on 13 November 1919.
The Postlethwaite Dinner
With todays event we have now been celebrating this Dinner for 65 years the first Dinner being held on 8 December 1960 when his son, John Henry was the Worshipful Master of Abbey Lodge and on that evening invited his then 81 year-old father to occupy ‘the Chair’ of the Lodge. Following the meeting a celebration dinner was held at the Shireburn Arms and this was repeated in 1961 and again in 1962 when it formally became known as the ‘Postlethwaite Dinner’.
When did I say Dr Postlethwaite was initiated? So why a second Dinner in 1961? Did someone find Dr Postlethwaite’s Grand Lodge certificate and realise they had celebrated his 60th anniversary a year too soon so repeated the celebrations more accurately 12 months later. Or was it such a brilliant and well enjoyed evening they decided to just to do it all again in 1961? Either way here we are at the 65th Abbey Lodge Postlethwaite Dinner.
Today the Dinner has a very special place in the calendar of this Lodge and the menu has seen some, but not too much, change since 1960 even though the venue has changed. In recent times the Postlethwaite Dinner has been held at Whalley Golf Club which you will agree is quite poignant since Dr. Postlethwaite along with many members of Abbey Lodge, as already mentioned, helped found this Club. Look around you – the Trophy Boards here in Long Leese Barn proudly display many of Abbey Lodge member’s names with Dr Postlethwaite a Champion Veteran on a couple of occasions.
Worshipful Master, Honoured Guests, Brethren and gentlemen please join with me in a toast to a very worth Freemason – Doctor Joseph Marshall Postlethwaite.
I give you Dr Postlethwaite”