Rev. John T Lawrence
Past Assistant Grand chaplain
W. Bro. Lawrence joined Abbey Lodge on the 8 February 1906 having been initiated into the pit MacDonald Lodge No. 1198 McGrath October 1899.
W. Bro. Lawrence became chaplain of Abbey Lodge at the next installation ceremony in 1906.
He was a contributor and leader writer for many is to “The Freemason” and “The Masonic Illustrated”, editor of the “Indian Masonic Review” and author of:-
Masonic Jurisprudence | 1908 |
Sidelights on Freemasonry | 1910 |
Byeways of Freemasonry | 1911 |
The Perfect Ashlar | 1912 |
The Keystone | 1913 |
The Church Organ | 1893 |
Accrington Church History | 1902 |
Manuals for the Instruction of Lodge Officers |
Before he became vicar of Saint Peters, Accrington he travelled widely in India, Egypt, Australia, Burma and Western Europe.
He was Vice Ppresident of the Manchester Association for Masonic Research and a member of many other Craft Lodges in addition to his membership of Royal Arch, Mark and Knights Templar.
He was invested an Assistant Grand Chaplain on the 27 April 1910, the Lodge recognising his honour by presenting him with his Grand Lodge clothing.
On his death in 1914 his son, Harold A. N. Lawrence was still undertaking his education and on his behalf the Lodge petitioned for some financial support from the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys. A grant of £30 per annum was provided until 1917 to help him complete his education.