W. Bro. James Sutcliffe

Past Senior Grand Deacon

Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master

Jim’s proposer into Freemasonry was W. Bro. Rennie Wellock, PJGD seconded by W. Bro. Brian Ashton. He was initiated into Abbey Lodge on 16th March 1972 and became Worshipful Master in 1979. He was Treasurer from 1984 until 1989 when he took on the Office of Lodge Secretary until 1993. In 2009 he again took on the Office of Treasurer relinquishing it in 2024.

He was appointed Secretary of the Rossendale District in 1993 and became Deputy Chairman in 1996 before being appointed Chairman in 2001, an Office he held until his appointment as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master in May 2005 a position he held until 2011.

Other positions Jim has held in the District are Communications Officer for 5 years and Membership Officer for 1 year. He was a member of the Benevolence Committee from 1997 until 2005 and championed the Changing Times initiative making numerous presentations around the Northern Area.

He is a founder member of the Valleys Lodge of Installed Masters No. 9396 and has been a Trustee of the Abbey Masonic Club since 1984.

In 1985 Jim was appointed PProvAGDC and was subsequently promoted to PProvGSwdBr in 1993 prior to receiving Grand Lodge honours as PAGSuptWks in 2001, following his appointment to APGM he was promoted to PSGD in 2006.

Jim was Exalted into the Royal Arch in Abbey Chapter in 1976 becoming the First Principal in 1984 and went on to hold the office of DC for many years. He is currently the senior member of that Chapter and was appointed to the acting rank of Prov 1st AGSoj in 1990 then to PProvDGReg in 1994 and PProvGSN in 2000. In 2007 he received Grand Chapter honours of PGStdB.

Jim celebrated 50 years in Freemasonry in 2022 whilst Worshipful Master of Whalley’s daytime Lodge, Whalley Arches. He hold the utmost respect from all Whalley Masons and is always happy to assist or advise when called upon.