John D Greenwood
Past Grand Deacon
Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master
W. Bro. Greenwood was initiated into Abbey Lodge on the 10 January 1924, was passed on the 13 March and raised on the 1st of May 1924.
W. Bro. Greenwood was a local cotton manufacturer. He became the Worshipful Master of Abbey Lodge in 1929 and was appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Master in 1950.
In addition to his membership of Abbey Lodge he was also a member of the Lodge of Fortitude No. 64, Keep Lodge No. 6538 and the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge No. 3747 becoming their Worshipful master in 1953.
He was also a member of Abbey Chapter and the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Offices Chapter in Manchester.
He was the prospective Conservative candidate for Blackburn but never actually fought an election and due to ill health he resigned from the Lodge in November 1955.