Col. Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie (1828 – 1899)
Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire
Col. Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie was a founder member of Abbey Lodge who was initiated into his mother Lodge, St. Georges Lodge of Harmony #32 on the 22nd September 1858. He was the first Immediate Past Master of Abbey Lodge on its Consecration in 1894, his occupation being listed in the register of members as a Gentleman.
His military service was a distinguished one. On the 21st April 1853 he was Gazetted Cornet with the Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry, he was promoted Lieutenant on the 27th July 1855, and achieved a Captaincy in 1864. Five years later on the 29th April 1869 he retired from that body of soldiers.
Meanwhile on the 17th April 1858 he was appointed a Lieutenant in the Second Royal Lancashire Militia and promoted to Captain on the 4th of September the same year. He resigned on the 10th February 1871 after accepting a post as Lieutenant Colonel to the 8th Battalion Lancashire Volunteers. He was Gazetted in the 5th Lancashire Militia and given a Lieutenant Colonelcy, on the 3rd of September 1879. Finally, the Volunteer Brigade of the East Lancashire regiments appointed him Honorary Colonel, a post he held until his death in 1899.
He became the Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire in 1870 and remained in this post until 1899. He died on the 13th April 1899.
His outstanding service to the Province was a development to the East Lancashire Benevolence Institution (E L M B I ) and he was affectionately known as the Father of the Institution, presiding over 28 consecutive annual general meetings.
The Institution was formed on the 18th January 1876 and was an extension of the East Lancashire Systematic Benevolent Fund, initially being known as the East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational And Benevolent Institution but since 1910 it is adopted its current name.
To commemorate his work a perpetual presentation in his name on the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was purchased in 1910 in the form of a jewel bearing the Starkie Crest and Motto.
When he became Provincial Grand Master there were 79 Lodges in the Province, on his death in 1899 these had grown to 113 Lodges and a membership of 4829.
His Masonic biography can be found on this website by clicking here.