R. Neil Pickup

Past Grand Standard Bearer (Royal Arch)

Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals

W. Bro. Neil Pickup produced Abbey Lodge’s Centenary Book in 1994. Much of the content of his book has been woven into this website for which we are indebted. The image we’ve used for this post is that contained in the Centenary Book. The Centenary Book was first digitised then the following 25 years were added for the 125th anniversary in 2019. This Abbey Lodge: The First 125 Years booklet is available as a flipbook below this text.

W. Bro. Pickup was appointed District Officer Royal Arch from 2003.

In 2007 W. Bro. Pickup was appointed as a Past Grand Standard Bearer and Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals.

Sadly, W. Bro. Pickup past to the Grand Lodge Above in 2008.