Abbey Lodge No. 2529 held its Installation Meeting on 9 May 2024.
Brother Mostafa Ahmadi-Khattir was Installed as Worshipful Master for 2024/5.
MAK, as he likes to be known, came to England when he was 16 years old. He eventually ran a Cafe across the road from King George’s Hall in Blackburn and was no stranger to men in black suits popping into the Cafe periodically. It was suggested to him that he should have white gloves on sale. This piqued his curiosity and he got to know a little more about Freemasons and Freemasonry. A regular customer who became a close friend was the son of a mason which led to MAK asking to join. And the rest, as they say, is history.
MAK intends to have a full social programme. There are at present no candidates for ceremonies during his year in ‘the Chair’. But Abbey being a thriving Lodge that could all change quite quickly.