Abbey Lodge 2529
Address to Brethren at the Installation Meeting
Brethren, such is the nature of our constitution, that as some must, of necessity teach and govern, others, of course, must learn, submit and obey; humility in each is an essential qualification. The officers of the Lodge are too conversant with the rules of propriety and the Laws of Freemasonry to warrant any mistrust that they will exceed the bounds of the duty with which they are entrusted; and you brethren, are of too generous a disposition to envy their preferment. I, therefore, trust that you will have but one aim in view – to please each other and unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness.
As this institution has been formed with so much unanimity and concord, so may it long continue. May you enjoy within these sacred walls every satisfaction and delight that interested friendship can give. May Freemasonry flourish in every part of the globe, become influential in diffusing the beauties of virtue, and lessening the aggregate of human misery and vice. May it remain till time shall be no more, a perfect monument of wisdom, strength and beauty, which ages cannot obliterate, nor time destroy.
As our order is founded on the purest principles of morality and virtue, may it teach us to measure our actions by the rule of rectitude, square our conduct by the principles of morality, and guide our inclinations – yea even our very thoughts, within the compass of propriety. Hence, we learn to be meek, humble and resigned: to moderate the passions, the excesses of which can deform the very soul: to be faithful to our God, our country and our laws.
It teaches our bosoms to beat high with the noble emotions of truth, of honour and of virtue. The brother who has thus far discharged his duty as a Mason may patiently await the arrival of his dying throb, and as we severally experience that awful moment when the soul shall take wing to the boundless and unexplored expanse above, may we say – ‘It is well finished, admit us to the Grand Lodge above’ where the divisions of time shall cease, and the glories of an endless eternity burst forth upon our view.
Brethren, such are the genuine tenets and principles of our Order: may they be transmitted through this Lodge pure and unsullied throughout all generations.
W Bro. R Verney Clayton (1867 – 1950)
Provincial Grand Secretary
Honorary Member of Abbey Lodge