Cooperman Memorial Shoot

In memory of John & Susan Cooper

Thursday 21st August 2025

at Coniston Cold Shooting Ground


hank you for your interest in sponsoring this year’s Cooperman Memorial Shoot your support is much appreciated.

Our friends at Coniston Cold Shooting Grounds put on a really good event for us each year in memory of Cooperman. This enables us to offer a complete package of gun hire, cartridges, safety equipment and free tuition for a very competitive price. Not only do you get looked after whilst shooting but the hospitality on offer in the Shooting Lodge is what you would expect from the Coniston Cold management.

There will be several categories of Shooting with individual prizes for each all sponsored by different supporting organisations or individuals like yourself. You will automatically be entitled to 2 free shooter places worth £100.

Shooting places are strictly limited to 60 at this Memorial Shoot so booking your party early is essential. Anyone over 12 years of age can take part so family involvement is not precluded.

Please use the form below to register your party.

We will contact you approximately one month before the Shoot with a view to collecting your sponsorship. In the meantime we will run a media campaign and promote sponsors whilst advertising the Shoot. We will liaise with sponsors before their inclusion in the campaign.

Once again, thank you for your interest in the Cooperman Memorial Shoot.