Abbey Lodge No. 2529 has a record of donations to charity to be proud of.
Worshipful Brother Dave McGurty, Assistant Provincial Grand Master informed all those dining at the Whalley Golf Club that Abbey Lodge 2529 has donated or pledged over £12,000 to the Province of East Lancashire’s 2026 Festival. He then went on to expound on the excellent work the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) is doing both within Freemasonry on the wider community. One fact quoted was that in the past year £6.8 million has been donated to 451 non-masonic charities.
This provided a really good build up to the evening’s raffle (W Bro Ray Evans – Abbey Lodge’s Charity Steward – is front and centre of the Golf Club image). Without much persuasion at all those present bought £310 worth of raffle numbers (we don’t use tickets anymore) and almost half those present took home a prize. These funds raised will enable Abbey Lodge to maintain its record of giving to worthy causes.
Prior to the meal in the Lodge Room £1000 was donated to the 2026 Festival Appeal £250 to Guide Dogs and £250 to Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Parkinson’s Support Group a charity of the outgoing Worshipful Master’s choice. This brings the Lodge’s giving over the past 3 years to over £4,000 to non-masonic worthy causes and £9,390 to the 2026 Festival with pledges still continuing.