Another event that has been a staple Abbey Lodge social event for some time now is the Race Night. The Race Course was first used around 1989 and has performed at events run by a few other organisations.
This year our Worshipful Master thought to add a TWIST or two.
So Saturday, 8 February 2025 was the date of the Race Meet and was attended by a huge gathering many of which were young families.
There were really two twists introduced for this evening’s racing. The first was the introduction of fences which could only be overcome by the throwing of an odd or even number depending on the horse’s number. This had the obvious effect of slowing down the race. The other twist had the opposite effect by throwing 3 dice and moving all 3 on space towards the finish line.
Half way through the evening we were treated to a sumptuous buffet supper.
This event raised around £425 for worthy causes and brought the Master’s fundraising total to over £1000 for his year.