It has been the custom for some years now for members of the Lodges and Chapters that meet at Whalley Masonic Hall to attend the Parish Church on Remembrance Sunday.
So on 12 November 2023, several Brethren and Companions attended St. Mary’s Church for the village’s Remembrance Sunday Service. As per previous years this small group were escorted to the Choir Stalls for seating accommodation. After the service everyone assembled on Church Lane to process in an orderly fashion to the War Memorial at the top of King’s Street. There was already a significant number of villagers assembled there to witness the Act of Remembrance.
The names of the brave Whalley soldiers lost in the Great War were read out by Scouts, a bugle was played and flags lowered to the ground. Two minutes silence was observed followed by Last Post.
Several organisations laid poppy wreaths on the steps of the Memorial including Whalley Masons.
In the group of masons present was the Worshipful Master of Abbey Lodge, Brother Colin Weemes wearing his Collar of Office.