December for Abbey Lodge means only one thing: the Postlethwaite Dinner.
Dr. Joseph M. Postlethwaite though a Yorkshireman took Whalley to his heart upon his arrival in the village around 1910 as the village GP.
He was instrumental in forming the Golf Club in 1912.
He joined Abbey Lodge in 1916 having been initiated into Freemasonry at the Issac Newton Lodge, 859 at Cambridge University.
His only child John was also a Freemason and Master of Abbey Lodge in 1960. (See full List of Past Masters). The Lodge decided to hold an event in Dr. Postlethwaite’s honour then 76 years old and still a member of the Lodge. A formal banquet was chosen with the menu based on that which Dr. Postlethwaite would have enjoyed back in Edwardian times.
It was so good the Lodge decided to hold it again in 1961/2/3…….